亞洲水鼩(Asiatic water shrew),Chimarrogale,是一群半水棲生活的食蟲目動物。目前本屬中共有6 個種,過去對此?動物的分?研究建?於外部特徵以及頭骨形值分析,但本屬種間特徵差??明顯故容?混淆,且檢視之樣本?偏低。本研究使用分子標記以及形態特徵?重新檢視Chimarrogale 屬內各種間的親緣關係與分?地位。此外,亦檢視台灣島內水鼩族群的親緣地?關係,並分析是否與台灣獨特的水系環境有所關?。結果顯示,在最大近似以及最大簡約法的分析中均支持台灣、日本及婆?洲之水鼩應分屬於三個?同的種。此三種間的平均遺傳距?(Kimura's two parameter)達到10.7%。而台灣的水鼩族群的?線體DNA 單型在親緣關係樹可分成二個主要的族群,此二群在?台灣及中台灣之分佈重疊,顯示此區域族群間有高?的基因交?現象。 The species of genus Chimarrogale (Insectivora: Soricidae) are commonly called Asiatic water shrews. They are adapted to semi-aquatic life. Six species are recognized in this genus. Previous taxonomic studies are based on morphological and cranial characters, but these characters are obscure and the sample sizes are usually small. In present study, we used molecular marker to examine the phylogenetic and taxonomic status of Chimarrogale. We also used mitochondrial DNA marker to examine whether the phylogeographic relationship of water shrews was concordant with the complex drainage systems of Taiwan. The results showed that in both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony trees, of complete mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene sequences revealed that the Chimarrogale of Taiwan, Japan, and Borneo were distinct species. The mean genetic distance (Kimura's two parameter) among these three species was greater than 10.7%. Both neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods identified two populations among haplotypes of Taiwan populations. These haplotypes were broadly sympatric in central and northern Taiwan, suggesting high levels of gene flow between the two populations.