摘要指導教授: 許恩得博士,黃續鐔副教授研究生: 蔡淑惠學號: G96437013台灣的企業過去以從事OEM或ODM的業務形態為主,未來發展自有品牌(OBM) 將是重要的趨勢。如何跳脫原本以代工形式為主的思維,轉換成以品牌為主的模式,並透過發展品牌為企業創造價值,是一個艱巨的挑戰。本研究結合Kotler & Pfoertsch(2006)的品牌元素及Brandenburger & Nalbuff(2006)的價值網,將構成品牌的元素,加上外部環境因素之考慮,予以整合後建立品牌發展模型,以作為企業發展品牌之參考,並以台灣三家不同特色的傳統產業公司發展自有品牌的經驗,比較其差異,並驗證本模型之可用性,進而作為學術界與實務界之參考。關鍵詞:自有品牌、品牌元素、品牌策略、價值網 A Research on Brand Development Model: The Experiences from Cases of Conventional Industry in TaiwanAdvisors: Dr. En-Te HsuAssociate Professor Stan HuangGraduate Student: Sherry TsaiGraduate Student No.G96437013Abstract Taiwanese enterprises are mainly specialized in OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing) and ODM(Original Design Manufacturing) business. Whilst OBM(Own Brand Marketing) is the trend. It is great challenges to the enterprise to transform their mindset from OEM/ODM to OBM for value creation onto business. This research integrate Brand elements (Kotler & Pfoertsch 2006) and Value net (Brandenburger & Nalbuff 2006), and external environmental factors to further propose a brand development model. Moreover, the research is thesis uses three cases selected from conventional industry in Taiwan in different field to analyse their OBM experiences and its differences to validate the usefulness of the model to academic and practice as a reference.Key Words: OBM, Brand Element, Branding Strategy, Value Net