美國霸權在二次大戰後形塑出其影響力,並且維持其不受挑戰之地位,不論是在經濟或軍事層面上。1990年蘇聯的解體,致使冷戰結束,卻未影響美國在歐洲的角色,美國霸權在歐洲的運作依然活躍,並主導的北約組織甚至東擴至原華沙公約之國家中,其間即使面對歐洲整合之挑戰,但其地位仍然穩固,尤其從南斯拉夫獨立運動中可看出美國的干預和影響力。因此,本篇文章希冀透過霸權穩定理論探究美國在科索沃的角色以及相關策略,藉以分析美國霸權的角色是否會因歐盟整合而逐漸衰弱? The American hegemony makes the influence after World War II, and maintains an unchallengeable status whether in economic or military fields. The collapse of Soviet Union in 1990 ended the cold war, but didn’t affect the role of U.S. in Europe, the American hegemony is still active in Europe, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which she leads even expanded to those countries who signed the original Warsaw Treaty. Facing European integration, however, its status was still stable, especially we can tell the intervention and the influential capability of U.S. from the Yugoslavian independence movement. Therefore, this article hopes that by analyzing the role of U.S. in Kosovo with hegemonic stability theory, and analyzes whether the American hegemony will gradually decline by European Union integration or not?