過去服務身心障礙者時,通常偏向以身心障礙者的「障礙」去思考他們的需求,不會有關於性別的聯想,身心障礙者常常「失去」了性別,然而事實是,女性身心障礙者,不僅在婚姻、家庭方面,在職場同樣也會受到障礙與性別的雙重歧視,比一般女性更加難以獲得性別平權,因此也需要更多的關注。女性身心障礙者在勞動市場的處境,長期以來是低就業率、低薪資,這引發了本研究者想要探究女性身心障礙者就業困境的動機。因此,本研究目的在於:1.了解女性身心障礙者在求職及就業過程中受到的勞動市場排除情況 2.分析女性身心障礙者受到排除的因素3.根據研究發現提出減少女性身心障礙者在就業過程中被排除的建議 本研究之是採用問卷調查法,並藉由台中市身心障礙就業服務員及職業重建個案管理員面訪,以及電子郵寄問卷施測,總共發放200份,實際回157收份,問卷回收率為78.5%,有效問卷155份,有效樣本回收率為77.5%,所蒐集之資料運用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析進行資料處理。並針對研究結果進行討論並給予建議。本研究結果發現:1.女性身心障礙者有受到勞動市場排除情況。2.不同的人口特徵,在求職及工作過程的困境有顯著差異3.不同的人口特徵,在工作與家庭間困境有顯著差異4.女性身心障礙者會因為性別及身心障礙造成就業困境。 此外,依據研究結論與文獻探討,研究者提出以下四方面的討論:1.女性身心障礙者的求職及就業困境(1)仍有薪資過低、缺乏福利制度、升遷的困難。(2)遭遇到社會、就業歧視的困境。2.影響女性身心障礙者的求職及就業困境因素(1)障礙類別、家庭狀況與子女數是影響求職及就業困境的重要因素。3.性別及身心障礙造成就業困境(1)女性身心障礙者處於雙重弱勢的情況。(2)遭受到性騷擾是因為具有女性與身心障礙雙重特質的因素。4.女性身心障礙者遭受社會排除情形(1)有受到經濟面排除的風險。(2)與社會關係的連結上較弱。(3)有受到空間面向排除的風險。(4)部分受訪者受到族群與文化面向的排除,進而導致了就業的困境。關鍵字:女性身心障礙者,社會排除觀點 In the past, we usually focus of the disabled to understand their needs when providing disability services. We do not realize the gender, so they are often "lost" because of it.In the fact, the female disabled suffer double discrimination not only from marriage but the workplace. They are hard to achieve gender equality, so they need more concerns. The female disabled have done the low-paid jobs and had the low-employment in labor market for a long time. It brings out this study, therefore. The main purposes of this study are (as following):1.To understand job-seeking and employment excluded by the labor market of female disable workers.2.To investigate the factors affecting social exclusion of the female disable workers.3.To provide the suggestions of against social exclusion based on the findings of research. This study is investigated by questionnaires, the data are collected by face-to-face interview and e-mail questionnaires by employment specialists for disabled people and vocational rehabilitation case managers.200 questionnaires are formally sent out; 157 are retrieved. The rate is 78.5%; 155 out of 157 are valid and the rate is 77.5%. The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics and one way-ANOVA. According to the results of this study, the major findings are as follows:1.the female disabled are excluded by the labor market.2.There are significantly different job-seeking and employment barriers in diverse basic characteristics.3.There are significantly different work-family conflicts in diverse basic characteristics.4.The female disabled have job-seeking and employment barriers because of their gender and disability.Key words: female disable workers , social exclusion perspective