這是一篇稍嫌雜亂的論文,它反映了我看似有序卻雜亂無章的生命。曾經我以比同儕還要強烈的理性自豪著,展現著一種明辨是非、看盡細節的姿態,認為依循著這條路走將會是生命的極致,卻在自我敘說的書寫中撞得頭破血流。本來以為有序的自己透過自我敘說的鏡子下顯得破碎斷裂。生命只有在看見生命的時候才開始。自我敘說讓我看見了自己破碎的生命與斷裂的關係,它讓我有機會追尋破碎的源頭,拾起那些碎削重新溫養著還活在過去、遍體鱗傷的自己。也許這就叫做自我療癒。我的自我敘說就是在療癒自己;為什麼要寫自我敘說?因為我想救自己。關鍵字:自我敘說、關係、斷裂、社會工作 This thesis reflects my life which seems to be in order but actually is in a mess.I used to take pride in paying attention to details in life and telling right from wrong rationally. Following this way of living, I consider my life to be complete. However, I slumped to devastating defeat when I wrote the self-narrative. My orderly self became scattered and smashed through the mirror of self-narrative.Only when life sees itself does it begin.Self-narrative enables me to look at my fragmented life and broken relationship. It provides opportunities for me to understand the reasons for my crumbled life, pick up the pieces of my life, and maintain myself who lives in the past black and blue. Perhaps this is called self-healing.My self-narrative is about healing myself. Why do I write self-narrative? It is because I want to save myself.Keywords:Self-Narrative, Relationship, Rupture, Socialwork